
DinoFam Charity

DinoFam Collections is fully committed to creating real world positive impact though its brand and products. To start, we have established a driven non-profit organization that provides comfort to children in treatment for catastrophic illness. Through sharing the joy of our family of Dinofam characters with children in need at no cost, and donating to established children's organizations we take steps daily to achieve a real-world positive impact for children in our communities.

10% of all profits go to fund the DinoFam Foundation!

The DinoFam Foundation is our 501c3 nonprofit charity that aims to brighten the lives of catastrophically ill children while they undergo treatments and long hospital stays. 10% of all sales from DinoMart go directly to brightening the lives of the children who need it most.

Tax Identification Number 88-3601045

Charity Wallet: dinofamfoundation.eth


Donate to the DinoFam Foundations 501c3 non-profit

100% of donations go to DinoFamFoundations mission to provide comfort to children in need going through difficult situtations.


Free Activity Pages!

Download a free sample of our upcoming Bad Baby Dino's Activity Book! Check back often for more free activity and coloring pages from DinoFam!

Download Here